About Us

Hello and a very warm welcome to my blog and thank you for your time. In my blog I will try help you and try to support you as much I can for you to succeed in each step in life to find the best wise opportunities and reccomendatiobn of services out there which you can benefit and progress futher in life.

This blog will cover and look through ways of many opportunities that we can progress in our everyday lives, such as Education , Recruitment , Finance and Property services all in one easy website. These are all factors which are important to us and plays a big impact and roles in our everyday lives. There are many opportunities and great services out there which we may be missing out on or may not have the right knowledge or having difficulty where to search . The aim of the blog will be to support you with choices to decide and together build a community to share knowledge on the areas which you are interested in and can benefit from. This blog especialy has been made easy to understand and gives clear English language with easy options to learn and share knowledge . There will be will be useful links which you can directly go to the page which is relevant for you and select the service following the link which interests you.

Below are all main key category where I will do my best to support you with in my blog.

Education – Education is very important for all of us regardless what age we are and how much knowledge we have which all plays important role in our every day live. In this blog I will provide you with resources with positive encouragement and reccomendation of services to continue with your level of education regardless of what age and how much expereince you may have. I will also look into any personal barriers limiting your chances such as disablity, on going health conditions , uncertain personal lifetsyle changes , sudden changes of circumtances, and the big impact of recent pandademic Corona virus crisis . The main aim will be to provide vital support and information of services and reccomendation through advertsiements of services provided in the blog. There will be posts in recommendation how to achieve the best outcome to your ability and how to maintain good results and still be confident and progress further in education journery.

There will be posts on motivations and how to enhance better performance and affiliate links with what support and services out there and what to look out for. I will also do my best to search for other extra help and alternative options to suit individual needs. This blog will also focus to build online community with high school students and mature students which is unique approach from other websites or bloggs out there out there at the moment . I believe this is t he prime time to plan a career and plan future ahead togetrher and share knowledge. There are great step up opportinities out there.

This blog will give you a network of all basic information and direct links of services you can explore and learn to benefit from. There will be regular recemmendation with information and guidance of choices of all good rececommended colleges and universities , further studies within UK. I will also provide reccomended further resources on places outside UK such America , India canada , Dubai and European countries etc. There will be other information to look into other such as further training and scholarships.

This blog will cover and use all positive encouragement and support with motivation to advise especially in a very difficult pandemic situation we are facing today with COVID-19. There are still great opportunities still continue to achieve.

Recruitment – we will look into great employment support and opportunities out there. There will alot of information on work oportunites and where to enhance further knowledge and find helpful places where you can seek long term, tempporary or part time or even casual employment or career . The blog will give you further useful information and links to direct you with all the well knownn great recruitment agencies out there and also information on how to step up career options like interships etc. This blog will give you further information on training , scholarhsips and many resources on positive encouragement on acheiving and maintaning the right job or career . There will be informations interview and etc. The aim of the blog will be aiming to provide maintaining a postive approach and support with services and resources . There are will be great ongoing support of information available such as from well known recruitment agencies , local council job centers, special agencies with people with special needs such as disabilit. Also support people who people have been unemployed for long term due to their personal circumstances or need change of employment.

There are great training centers , private agencies and government funded free training places which are available and also any work from home opportunities . This blog will also explore further information with any funding available work placement training which many people who can benefit especially if you have health needs or disability. And also support people who need that extra support with CV, job search and further resources of services .The blog will also look into where to find support with short courses to support with English for people where English is not their first language. There are many other ways opportunities to gain experience from such work placements or volunteering opportunities and many more we will explore together..

Property– Category will look into properties from selling , to buying or investings and rentings . There will be directions of useful links of services for also students looking for resources and service for support with student accommadtions. There will be useful links of services and resources to live in near your desinated area and where to find perfect locations suited to individual needs. There will be recommendation of services on agencies who can support to sell your property and also help you to rent . There will be information of support if you are in need to sell property fast soon due to financial difficulties or personal circumstances such as bereavements . Also other reccommended services if you are planning to stay temporally or looking for help of other serrvices and seek information on what financial support may be available .

Finance – category will look at all the great bank services and financial services opportunities out there. There will be useful direct links and advertisement of all the opportunities which you can explore and decide to suit your inidividual needs.There are great bank accounts you can join whether for new students or looking for support for new business loan, insurance etc. Since my blog will also cover the support for young people to mature people the finance category will be great for young students to receive all information in one blog . There will be useful information and advetisements of good student interest-free overdraft accounts for you to choose and many Well known banks and services who provide with many great incentives and freebie and etc ,

In this blog I will spoil you with great choices. with business accounts and student accounts , also further information on finance support if you are unemployed . There are certain benefits people can claim to meet everyday individual needs. There are certain government funded benefits for students and people on low working income or people who are unemployed such as universal credit and tax credits etc.

There are many support for people with medical circumstances such as Disability or long term illnesses to find places where to gain support or benefits etc. Their are also places for extra support finding work and the information on financial support for people to continue with studies or even help start with further with education which people may not be aware of . There are many support such as financial services for education ( Such as SAAS student loan funding service) There maybe other financial support available from high school leavers to college / Universitiy students ( Such as Bursaries and grants and scholarships etc ) I will provide you with many other information and great financial services to choose from.

My blog will provide you with many information on key areas mentioned above especially in a very difficult uncertainty time like at the moment. Many individuals have been affected by Corona virus and are already lacking many opportunities out there. Many people have been affected with confidence and are strugglyiing to go back to work or may had to leave work due to illness or stress. Many young students also have been strugglying with studies and may have unwanted exam results which has restricted their choices in eduaction and employment , also may not know what other further support is availlable This blog will deeply support you and explore variety choices and try to guide you with the right resources and services especially if you have been disadvantaged and struggled to find the right information and not knowing what other services are still availlable .

The aim of the blog is to be helpful and provide you with positive and helpful recommendations with useful direct links to choose from services of your choice. .There will be information of resources for you to succeed in whatever category you find useful mentioned in this blog above. I will especially support you greatly with motivation and positive and encouragement in this COVID-19 pandemic crisis situation at the moment. (which I can totally understand many people have been affected) . I will do my very best to be greatly helpful and bring together with positive awareness of all the opporftunities and services available outhere in one website.

In my blog I will do my very best to support you through and give you the best information to my knowledge and services out there for you to succeed in all your achievements. There will be regular ongoing further information of advertisement and opportunties of services and resources out there. . This blog is very easy to understand at all level especially for young people to mature people . The blog is very simple and easy to find all your reccommended services and resources in one website

I am a true believer in success and believe if you have faith within yourself and have the right guidance and opportunities you will succeed further in life.

Asma Choudhury

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