Always wanted career change and improve your lifestyle but do not have the motivation and do not know where to start. Everyday is a progress investing thoughts and making plans ahead is a always a progress
There are great many education opportunities available in the uk and world wide and always remember it is never too late to study and you can still achieve a long time career and build your dream as professional. This website will explore all the options available along with wise choices and options in all sectors in Education , recruitment , finance, housing properties and many more in guiding you for the best wise options and choices to think and consider.
Looking for further studies but do not have the right qualification ?
Whether you decide to leave school and get into employment there are many choices for the future . Your education is life time investment whether you have any qualification starting from just compulsary high school grades such as in Scotland have Scottish Standard grade or Scottish Highers and in England GSE and English A levels of educations from school provide you with great step to get into further education such as colleges and universities . Always remember these are your investment of knowledge and also proof certification of your education experience and your hard work of knowledge achievement . It is always best to continue your study through High school for direct entrance to colleges and Universities as their are student tutors and mentors here to guide you and provide you with many great education opportunities and throughout youe learning.however it is still not too late if you had leave eduaction are early due to any reasons you can still cotinue to further study at any age. . If you decide to leave school after 16 years you can still take your knowledge of experience any where further starting from just High school grades. It always very important to do your very best at High school from the start and take your education very seriously and plan ahead to the futue , compulsory education guides you and shapes your life into the best direction and future. which then lead to the best education to the start of any career life.
What Routes are there to get into College or University ?
There are very good college opportunities and starter courses and foundation course which can lead to study to recognised degree level cand entrance into university qualifications such as studying courses at college First year HNC ( Higher National Certificate) and second year HND ( Higher National Diploma) and also other credited short courses. You can also try open study modules where you can take and build up your UCAS credit to get into any good university and colleges. Any level you study especially from HNC and HND from colleges can lead you to university level education qualifications . You do not have to worry about not attending university direct from leaving school as you can build your career and still achieve the same qualification if you have missed the opportunity from high school.
Can you get into direct entrance to University after college grades ?
You can get into direct first year or second year university of the same subject you were studying either from further studies from colleges. You can apply for graduate entrance touniversity either with 3 Years graduate degree or 4 year honours degree. In Scotland it take 3 years to achieve a graduate degree and 4 years for Honours degree either in BA (HONS) or BSC ( HONS) after completing final year Honours Dissertation project, where in England requires 3 years for a Honours degree. . Many universities also provide great part time studies also while you are employed and working. There are also flexible studies available and also options like study from home like open universities.
This website will explore ad search for a list of good and well known universities and colleges you can search and explore whether you want to study in Scotland or England, UK study from home such as open universities and also if you are international student the website will cover for opportunties inside and outside of UK.
Coming to UK from Abroad to study and but do not know whether you have the right have UK qualifications ?
Also for International students as a reminder there are many opportunities with great diverse culture and community . You can also receive help and support with English or further study . You can use and start your preferred subjects you have studied outside of UK and start into and the chance into any entry level in education if you have enough experience in Education . You an upgrade your previous qualification such from any field medical , biological , science, engineering , pharmacy , business management IT , accountancy , Human Resource Management , Psychology many other other choices with your experience and education. Entry level you have studied or would like to enhance further study will be taken into consideration.
There are also further opportunity with some universities if you have enough education background from such as international Universties and life time experience in the education field you have studied . You may have the oportinity to get into direct into UK Second year or third year degree level. You can complete your studies with a Graduate degree , Honours Degree or further studies such as post-graduate , MBA and MSC courses. . This website will look into education and choices of courses available from all very good universities and colleges and also distance learning and also support anyone with disabilities or struggling to get into education.
SELF -BELIEF is always the great step to success.
Always value yourself and set goals in life. Never let your weakness stop you from anything but use your weakness as strength. If you have a disability and have missed out in education or finding very hard to get into education and struggling to get into work or education always remember it is never too late. You do not need age as a number or any disability stopping you from achieving your dreams. It only takes motivation and faith within yourself to succeed and achieve in life.