Have YOU BEEN AFFECTED BY COVID 19 and want to study from home at University Level?

A lot of changes has been made to students working and education style and sudden change to environment. Many students could not complete their studies and due coronavirus pandemic, could not have the right grades to have the qualification to achieve. You can still transfer all your previous credits you have achieved and can build towards credit and Graduate with recognized qualification.  

Great Opportunity studying with Open University

There are still great opportunity to still complete your studies and still achieve the qualification you have wanted. This is a great opportunity if you want to study from home either full time or part time. Also, If you have previously studied at the Higher Education level within the last 16 years, you may be able to count your study towards an Open University qualification.

If You have completed the following education requirement you can still achieve the qualification you have been waiting to achieve and can top up at open University.

If you have the following requirement below, please do contact the open university for further information. You can also have a look at their website. qualification. Http://www.open.ac.uk/

What are the entry requirement to transfer credit at Open University?

If you have studied some modules or courses at university level

You have completed part of a degree

You have completed a professional or vocational qualification listed on the OP University register level

 You have completed an HNC or HND

You have studied at a university overseas

IF you completed other study listed in open university study finder, you can still apply for Open University.

You can transfer your credits and can study full time or part time to build the credits for a professional qualification. If you are applying from Scotland and you claim receive great support for funding for your studies, please do check our Finance category of the blog for further information or FREE FUNDING.

In England, Wales and Northern Ireland the Higher Education level (for undergraduate study) is level 4, 5 and 6, Scotland SCQF level 7, 8, 9 and 10, and the Republic of Ireland is level 6, 7 and 8.

The Masters level in England, Wales and Northern Ireland is level 7, Scotland level 11, and in the Republic of Ireland, level 9.

COVID-19 IMPORTANT UPDATE: Open university are accepting credit transfer applications electronically as they can no longer accept postal applications at the moment.  Please email your application to credit-transfer@open.ac.uk.  You will need to send a completed credit transfer application form along with an electronic scanned copy of your official academic transcript.  For credit transfer assessments towards named degrees, please also send your syllabus information/learning outcomes. Open University will contact you by email if we need further supporting evidence, they may ask you to provide original documents at a later stage in the process.

Please be aware Open University may not be able to deal with credit transfer enquiries or assessments as quickly as usual but will be in touch with you soon.


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