Having a baby is a wonderful feeling and new adventure to your life as a mother or payrenta special member to the family. . It can be very to freturn to work and looking for child is like a full time unpaid job. Some mum or fathers and parents worry , also worry aboiut child care andwho do look after thier child , also may not have exteneded family oir relatives to look after whule goling to work. Going tow ork can be a difficult choice as parent and most parents would also like to spend more time with thier child and spend qulity family together before thier child becomes independent.

What options are out there ?

Being your won boss as aparent can be a like a dream come true , where yoiu can choose your own hours and locations with flexiblity to fit around your family life. Please do not give up , most Successful engtreprenuers are the ones who have started like yourselgf with no expedreince or acdemic experince but having faith in yourself and passion to building a career.

There are great oportunity and ways you can work from home.

Virtual Assistant jobs :

Virtual Assistants working from home is in a great way to work from home and have an earnings. Which is very high in demand right and also for people who have been affected by the coronivirus pandeademic crisis and strugglying to go back to the working environment out side from home. This job opportunity is great and depending to the employer what are the requireme for the job. Most jibs include mostly sending e-mails and contacting clients and also other work may imclude making arrangements , create documents , manage appointments , proof reading or edit blogs for employers and create documents. The great opportunity working as a Virtual assistant you are paid by hourly, and thier are many virtual opportunities available if you syrg through internt on google or platforms like people by hour or


Being a blogger can be a great creative working from home opportunity , the only requirements you have is your passion on interest what you would to share and engage a network and encourage people reading your blogg, this can be any choices of interest you feel happy about , suvch as cooking, employment or reading etc. You can provide great possiblity of earning money and also enjoy yourself sharing your interest and passion by simply connecting your blog to google , or afflaitte programs or weell known Affliatte links such as amazon. Therre are great places to create your blog such as wordpress , Academadvisor or earn money with each click or apply for fregistered charity if yoir blogg is helping others through health and well being.


Becoming a tutor will be a great rewarding and fun career ways to teach individuals working from home and earning wages to suitable earning wages from home . You can use your previous academic and teaching skills whatever field you have experience and knowledge for. At the moment Tutoring is high in demand at the moment platform such as prepay , Academized and other teaching programs you can enroll to teach basic to advanced level English oor even teach foreign languages which you are experienced at . The great thing is you can set your own hours and schedule time and in the same time earn loads of money and a gain great rewarding experince and build a teaching career working from home. English tutoring is very demading at the moment and the great thing about this opportunity is you do need to have many skills and also this may be the great platforms for native English speakers.


Freelancers can a be great opportunity to consider working from home , especially for mums or anyone who have less experience and want to work without a lot of requirements. You do creative writing or ghostwriting or doing research. Like writing articles or short stories and get paid for it , and there are great websites where you can register as a freelancer or set up your own business .

Law Enforcement transcriptionist

If you enjoy typing and have good styoing skils and really fast to tyoe quickly and only requirements for this job is being able to fast quickly , you can do this job on Platforms such as Anywhere or Transcribe Me. You can get paid for transcriptionists and gedt paid by audio hour depending certain amount of tapes completed within a time scale given.

Online Editor

If you are looking for work from jobs like Online editor , this can be great way to make money which is flrexible and yet you can earn alot of money. The main requirements they need is that you speak English and have some understanding of style in writing in both creativity and Academic and you can google from sites like ‘ EliteAssignments. Online Editor work opportunity is flexible and is on great demand.

Direct sales

You can join certain do distribution or direct sales work as asales person or as a consultant , which can be great and flexible especially for molthers , as everything can be done over phone and you do not have to worry about regularing being on the compuytrt screen and can work own your hours and manage you work and organisationb mananement to suit your requirements and timing . This cxan be great such as Avon , Stella and Dot or any telecom Utility services or joining referal schemes nad refering services to friends.

Academic writer

If you enjoy writning and have decent adacdemic expereince , you can use your acdemic writing skills , to create to write essays or any other kind of papers for students or any qualifying websites worldwide. The main requirement for this job might have a degree or matching qualification but the main opportunity you need to do through research before being paid which is great fun as you learn alot of information and also b eing paid for projects.

Online Reviewer

Is a great way to work from home on your own schedule and hours , hyou do not need to have much skills , but have to do a lot of research and can be great for someone who knows some background knolredge on the products and services that you are reviewing.

qualification but the main opportunity you need to do through research before being paid which is great fun as you learn alot of information and also b eing paid for projects.

Having a child is great journey to another chapter your life. Family time is vaulable but you do not have to worry to leave home to go to work as there is great oppofrtiunity where can work from home and still give time to your family and your liitle ones.

There are many work from home jobs available , you can find great sources from google and search also ask your jobcentre coach.

I wish you all the best to your new career in work which suits you and your family schedule.

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